Installation Overview

You will get a complete manual with every order, recently updated and personally highlighted for your use.

Download Multi Shelter Solutions Installation Manual

You can download a general copy above, for a preview or to prepare for your delivery.

The pages are in the order they should be read and not every point will apply to every order.

Your personalized installation manual with key pages highlighted will be given to you upon delivery of your structure.

If you have any questions about which pages you need, please contact the office when arranging your order.

You can also view the additional articles, links or videos on our how-to page.

There is quite a bit of information contained in this manual that is CRITICAL to be understood. These structures are more complex to assemble than your typical Swedish Furniture.

Inside Structure drawing with steps

*we now use 7.2mil poly, white with a 4-year warranty and clear with a 5-year warranty, green tarp has been discontinued due to the overwhelming benefits of the white

You can download our Hanley Assembly installation overview

You can download our movable structure information package

You can download information for installing our Accordion door or Roll-up door assembly

One of the most common questions we get asked is regarding the installation of our structures.

We have tried to create a simple yet effective solution for your applications and recently have revamped our installation guide with more pictures, a glossary and more detailed instructions about everything to empower our customers more.

You can see our current how-to videos here. These structures are supplied as kits, intended for our customers to be able to install themselves. We are available for whatever questions you may have.
Many of our customers are also familiar with a contractor or someone in their area they trust to install their structure, and we are happy to work with them to create an understanding so the customers are not required to be educators as well.
Although we used to install, the weather has become far too unpredictable and we simply do not have the manpower to be able to get the structures out promptly as well as install.
We have confidence that you will be able to install these structures yourselves with a small team of people
Thank you for your inquiry, but no, we do not install or know anyone yet that could help.

It is generally accepted that a north/south facing building picks up the sunlight better and an east/west building ventilates easier.

Therefore, unless you are into cut flowers or a similar high production item east/west is preferred.

“Preferred” is the operative word. Several other things come into play and warrant consideration… READ MORE


Multi Shelter Solutions does not have a crew that goes around to various sites. The area we supply buildings to (all over North America) is simply too large to cover with an installation crew… READ MORE


Please review our recent article about drawings and permits to factor these things into your planning.

To have a full set of drawings for each structure variation would be impossible.

If your building inspector requires a specific set of drawings for your application, there will be a small fee charged… READ MORE


These buildings are not industrial grade shelters and, as such, some caution must be exercised under some winter storm conditions… READ MORE