Why Choose Us?


Manufacturing & distributing economical shelters for all your growing, housing and storage requirements.

Using our over 45 years of experience in the greenhouse, shelter operations and construction, allows us to help you find creative solutions to your shelter requirements.

Proudly owned and operated by Norm Eygenraam, this family-oriented business started in the Dundas, Ontario area and has moved up to Palmerston, Ontario for more than 15 years.

Specializing in unique shelter construction, we don’t bend any steel before we get an order.

We sit down with each customer to assess what your structure will be used for, and the location, and help you find the solution that will be most useful for your application.

We have many standard variations to offer, but aren’t afraid to venture outside the box to get the right fit for you!

We don’t sell you a structure, we help you buy one!

Norm worked at a nursery operation in his 20s, at a time when cold frames were manually bent steel around a tractor rim.

Later he started selling structures with a manufacturer outside Grimsby, Ontario.

In 1989 he started his own greenhouse manufacturing business in Dundas Ontario.

In 2005 he moved the operation to Palmerston and became Multi Shelter Solutions.

The business focus has changed over the years to include shelters for many more applications, but our values remain the same, flexibility, quality, economy and value.

We bring that experience to every call or email that we receive from potential and existing customers.

We feel word of mouth is still the best advertising and strive to give personal attention to every request, from a small hobby shed to multiple large operations.
One thing that sets us apart is that we don’t bend any steel before getting an order, so we can customize it to fit in just the right spot or alter how it’s done for your unique request. We pride ourselves on being able to help you find your best shelter solution.

Multi Shelter Solutions offers an economical alternative with flexibility that the larger competitors find hard to match.

We have worked hard over the years to come up with a balance that provides the economy so many seek, while not sacrificing any quality of the structure or customer service.

We can work with you to fit whatever budget you have in mind and publish sample prices freely for you to compare.

Feel free to contact us for a custom quote for what you have in mind and we can work together to reach your goals.

With a friendly and helpful staff, we are big enough to serve you but small enough to care for & serve you well.

Currently, we have 10 employees & growing and are happy to help you with any questions you may have. Conversations often begin with 2 questions …

  • What are You trying to accomplish and

  • What is the situation You are working with?

    We look forward to your call!