Winter FAQs

Getting Started…
We Look Forward to Helping You Find Your Shelter Solution!

Here are specific articles relating to winter care and maintenance of your building as we frequently get asked about these topics. We hope this will help you to be prepared. Please also see our information page related to this topic

Winter Care & Maintenance
Winter Storm and Your Structures
Putting up Structures After Snowfall
Weather Cautions
Cold Weather Poly Install
Temporary Fix for a Loose Cover
Retightening a Loose Cover
Installing Before Winter
Removing Snow from Your Building

we wanted to remind everyone: it’s okay, and even preferred that the buildings have some snow around them.

This prevents the wind from getting under them and it also means that the height above the ground is less. This significantly decreases the aerodynamic lift.

As we’ve stated in our winter care articles and in the installation guide, there are things you can do to prepare your building to withstand the storms as best as possible.

Taking extra steps during the ‘worst-case scenario’ situations can often make all the difference and help your building stay standing.