How Tos & FAQs

Here you will find links to various articles and videos we’ve published organized by topic as well as some frequently asked questions.

We hope you find these links useful as they can target what you are looking for quickly and easily.

We are available for any questions that pop up or to give you a custom quote for your project. Please don’t hesitate to contact us!

You can also download the instruction manual here for our customer-installed kits

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Winter FAQs
Structure FAQs
Cover FAQs
How-To Videos
Installation Overview

One of our most frequently asked questions is if we install. Due to changing and unpredictable weather conditions we have not installed customer structures for over 20 years, see our note here.

We offer a comprehensive installation guide, photo slide show and step by step guide and additional tips that you can check out in the manual.

At this present time, we do not have anyone we can recommend as many times when we do recommend someone, the offer falls through at the end of the recommendation and we do not want to give out false information.

We are more than willing to work with someone locally that you hire to give tips and advice to help ensure the job is done right.

We pride ourselves on a kit that is simple and easy to put together and are here to help you with any questions you may have.

We also frequently get asked about being able to accommodate Wind and Snow Load requirements.

With over 40 years of industry experience, and structures located from coast to coast, from Northern Ontario and further and down to the states, we have seen many variations of requirements and are confident with an in-depth discussion with you about your situation and application requirements that we will be able to help you find the right shelter solution for your situation.

This does not mean you won’t have to do any winter care and maintenance (check out these too) but the repercussions can be minimized.

Rarely do we encounter a situation we haven’t seen one variation or another on.

You can also read our article about “so you’re in a windy area? we can help”

Please review our recent article about drawings and permits to factor these things into your planning.

Please also take note of our page about Building Permits and additional information

We do not know specifics for your municipality as there are so many exceptions and variations, but we are more than willing to help you with our engineered drawings and other experience to help with your specific situation.

RETURNS: After a structure has been produced and delivered, returns will only be accepted when there has been an error on the part of MSS.

If the customer has a change of heart, MSS will assist the customer in reselling a structure but will not take the building back.

Custom orders can not be returned.

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